
28 May 2018

Industry 4.0: At a Glance

We briefly want to inform you about Industry 4.0 that is started to debate throughout the world and Turkey, recently. The Industrialization started with the use of steam and this point regarded as the Industry 1.0. The use of electricity in the assembly line started mass production and Industry 2.0 era began. Industry 3.0 emerged with the personal computers showed up.  It means robot and machines started to replace workers on assembly lines. The industry, in which computers and automation come will come together, is established to Internet of Things, Internet of Services and cyber-physical systems. It is aimed to create a copy of physical world and make decentralized decisions on smart factories. Also, it is targeted to monitor the physical processes via cyber-physical systems. Cyber-physical systems and objects will be able to work together in an instant communication with each other and people. The internet of the services will also provide internal and cross organizational services.


Smart Factories with Industry 4.0

Smart factories must have some principles such as interoperability, information transparency, technical assistance and decentralized decision-making. Interoperability means machines, people and sensors communicate with each other. The systems create a copy of the virtual physical world via sensor data for contextualize info. Technical assistance means the abilities of the system. One of this ability of the systems to support human in making decision. Other ability to support humans with duties that are hard or unsafe for them. Decentralized decision-making means is an ability of chyer-physical systems to give simple decisions on their own and become as autonomous as possible. According to the some reports that emerging markets such as India could benefit from Industry 4.0, tremendously. Furthermore, Cincinnati (OH, USA) declared that they become Industry 4.0 Demonstration City to encourage innovation and investment in the manufacturing sector.


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